2007美剧《灵指神探/咫尺天堂第1季》更新第07集晨雾弥漫手忙脚乱一模一样50. 一向在等一个人,一个懂得珍惜缘分的人,一个愿和我牵手相伴到老的人,一个跟我一样相信世间有真爱的人;一向在等一个人,一个关心我在意我的人,一个懂得包容体谅我的人,一个也许并不完美但懂得珍惜我的人;一向在等一个人,一个与我相亲相爱的人,一个我们相互都喜欢的人。91. I\'d be more than happy to help.(2010.全国)陈寿《三国志》118.士别三日,即更刮目相待。
◆原 名:Pushing Daisies
◆译 名:灵指神探
◆演 员:Lee Pace ... Ned
Anna Friel ... Chuck
Chi McBride ... Emerson
Kristin Chenoweth ... Olive
Swoosie Kurtz ... Lily
Jim Dale ... Narrator (voice-over)
Ellen Greene ... Vivian
◆类 型:剧情 喜剧
◆片 长:每集45分钟左右
◆国 家:美国ABC电视台
◆语 言:英语
◆字 幕:YDY-YTET字幕组出品中文字幕
◆简 介:
Crime, forensics and romace are blended together to tell the tale of Ned (Lee Pace), a young man with a unique ability -- he can touch dead things and bring them back to life. Ned uses his ability in many ways, from ripening fruit to helping solve murders by having the deceased tell him who the killer was. But Ned\'s tale isn\'t always happily ever after. When Ned uses his ability to bring his childhood sweetheart, Chuck (Anna Friel), back to life, she encourages him to use his power to help people, but there\'s a catch in their seemingly perfect life -- if Ned touches Chuck again she\'ll once again die, and Ned wouldn\'t be able to bring her back.
消魂池塘别后,曾行处、绿妒轻裙。恁时携素手,乱花飞絮里,缓步香茵。九重城阙烟尘生,千乘万骑西南行。While I doubt that buildings determine our character or basic personality traits, I argue that they can greatly influence our attitudes, moods, and even life styles.