介绍 |
2011主打美剧《冰与火之歌:权力的游戏 第一季 全10集》[中英双字 1024分辨率]螳臂挡车人声鼎沸见多识广59. 我想说的是,时间一定会把我们生命中的碎屑带走,漂远。而把真正重要的事物和感情,替我们留下和保存。最终你看到这个存在,是心中一座暗绿色高耸山脉。沉静,安宁,不需任何言说。你一定会知道,并且得到。39. Smoking has a great influence on our health.64.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

【译 名】: 冰与火之歌:权力的游戏
【原 名】: Game.of.Thrones
【年 代】: 2011
【国 家】: 美国
【类 别】: Drama | Fantasy
【语 言】: 英语
【首 播】: 2011年04月17日
【电 视 台】: HBO
【IMDB评分】: 9.4/10 (9,697 人评价)
【集 数】: 预计 10 集
【片 长】: 平均 60 分钟
【导 演】:· Brian Kirk ... (3集 2011)
· Daniel Minahan ... (3集 2011)
· Alan Taylor ... (2集 2011)
· Timothy Van Patten ... (2集 2011)
【编 剧】:· David Benioff ... (10集 2011)
· George R.R. Martin ... (10集 2011)
· D.B. Weiss ... (10集 2011)
【演 员】:· Isaac Hempstead-Wright 饰演 Bran Stark (9集 2011)
· Charles Dance 饰演 Tywin Lannister (8集 2011)
· John Bradley 饰演 Samwell Tarly (7集 2011)
· Ron Donachie 饰演 Ser Rodrik Cassel (5集 2011)
【简 介】:
《权力的游戏》这部电视剧将标志着正统史诗奇幻剧出现在电视网上这一里程碑时刻的到来。这部根据George R. R. Martin的系列畅销小说改编的影视剧,是由David Benioff(《特洛伊》的制片人)和D.B. Weiss(游戏《光晕》的编剧)担任制片。
Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Political and sexual intrigue abound. The primary families are the Stark, Lannister, and Baratheon families. Robert Baratheon, King of Westeros, asks his old friend Eddard Stark to serve as his chief advisor. Eddard, suspecting that his predecessor had been murdered, accepts so that he can investigate further. It turns out more than one family is plotting to take the throne. The Queen\'s family, the Lannisters, may be hatching a plot to take control. Across the sea, the last surviving members of the previously deposed ruling family, the Targaryens, are also plotting a return to power. The conflict between these families and others, including the Greyjoys, the Tullys, the Arryns, and the Tyrells, leads to war. Meanwhile, in the north, an ancient evil awakens. Amidst war and the political confusion, a brotherhood of misfits, The Night\'s Watch, is all that stands between the realms of men and the horrors beyond.

归傍碧纱窗,说与人人道:真个别离难,不似相逢好。南山截竹为筚篥,此乐本自龟兹出。80、Give as good as one gets. |
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