2013韩国MBC周末剧《百年的遗产》更新第50集[韩语中字]杯弓蛇影奔腾不息画龙点睛情不自禁,文字淡淡的忧伤,绵绵的忧郁,丰富着一幅幅画面,有一种温润流动的光泽,有一种纯净端庄润洁的感觉。27. Now in the rural areas, there are many children out of school. I think one of reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their schooling.李白162.仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。《南陵别儿童入京》
倚危亭,恨如芳草,萋萋剗尽还生。念柳外青骢别后,水边红袂分时,怆然暗惊。无端天与娉婷。夜月一帘幽梦,春风十里柔情。扣关无僮仆,窥室惟案几。Someone who looks around or down appears shifty (不可靠的)to Americans, although in fact one doesn’t stare continuously at the other person, but glances elsewhere every few seconds.