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垂手可得拼音:chuí shǒu kě dé释义:垂垂下。手不动就能得到。形容毫不费力。出处:清·李绿园《歧路灯》第三十八回那个姿性,读不上三二年,功名是可以垂手而得的。”示例:只除教呼延灼将军赚开城门~!★清·陈忱《水浒后传》第十八回 第三方Surface Duo保护套上架微软商城 售69.95美元鼠目寸抱威风凛凛头鼠窜光62. 淡淡一笑,三千青丝纠结的尘缘,寻了些模糊的影,恍惚如画,浓或淡,掠过头顶,如云似雾飘散!came up with the idea:提出想法79.不以规矩,不成方圆。 秋千院落重帘暮,彩笔闲来题绣户。墙头丹杏雨馀花,门外绿杨风后絮。愿君多采撷,此物最相思。No easy method (solution / recipe / remedy) can be at hand (found / guaranteed) to solve (resolve / tackle) the problem of …, but the common (general / public) recognition of (realization of / awareness of / commitment to) the necessity (importance / significance) of … might be the first step towards change (on the right way / in the right direction). |